The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops Ivan Timofeevich Kirichenko

Kirichenko, Ivan Timofeevich

Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops

* 5th of January 1900

† 10th of November 1974

(Иван Тимофеевич Кириченко)


1940-06-04 Major-General of Signal Troops
1942-01-02 Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops


1935-02-XX 1937-12-XX Chief of Signal Section, 35th Rifle Division
1937-12-XX 1938-06-XX Chief of the Technical Section, Radio Equipment Research & Testing Institute
1938-06-XX 1938-09-XX Chief of Signal Section, Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army
1938-09-XX 1938-10-XX Chief of Signal Section, 2nd Red Banner Far Eastern Army
1938-10-XX 1940-07-XX At disposal of the 2nd Red Banner Far Eastern Army
1940-07-XX 1943-03-XX Chief of Signal Section, Far Eastern Front
1943-03-XX Chief of Signal Section, 2nd Army
Chief of Signal Section, Far Eastern Front
1944-11-XX Chief of Operations Section, Kiev Military District
1953-08-XX Retired
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