The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Signal Troops Petr Dmitrievich Kisliakov

Kisliakov, Petr Dmitrievich

Major-General of Signal Troops

* 16th of February 1895

† 14th of August 1959

(Петр Дмитриевич Кисляков)


1944-11-02 Major-General of Signal Troops


1936-06-XX 1938-09-XX Assistant Army Inspector of Signals, Kiev Military District
1938-09-XX 1940-05-XX Acting Assistant Chief of Signal Section, Zhitomir Army Group
1940-05-XX 1941-08-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1941-08-XX Chief of ? Section, Main Signal Directorate
1945-01-13 Deputy Head of ? Directorate, Main Signal Directorate
1945-01-13 1945-12-XX Commanding Officer 5th Separate Signal Brigade
1945-12-XX 1946-04-XX Chief of Signal Section, Southern Urals Military District
1946-04-XX 1946-09-XX Chief Editor of the Journal "Communications of the Red Army"
1946-09-XX 1953-08-XX Chief Editor of the Journal "Military Signalman"
1953-08-08 Retired
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