The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Marie-Louis Koëltz

Koëltz, Marie-Louis


* 30th of September 1884

† 27th of May 1970


1930-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-03-25 Colonel
1937-06-19 Brigadier-General
1940-03-13 Major-General
1941-05-20 Lieutenant-General


1931-XX-XX 1935-XX-XX Head of 2nd Bureau Intelligence, Army General Staff
1937-06-19 1937-12-01 At disposal
1937-12-01 1938-07-15 Attending de Centre des Hautes études Militaires
1938-07-15 1938-11-02 At disposal
1938-11-02 1939-03-10 Attending Collège des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale
1939-03-10 1939-09-02 Chief of Staff to General Garchery as Member of the Supreme War Council
1939-09-02 1939-10-18 Chief of Staff, 8th Army
1939-10-18 1940-06-26 Vice Chief of Operations, General Headquarters
1940-06-26 1941-09-15 Director of Armistice Service, Ministry of War
1941-09-15 1943-08-24 General Officer Commanding 19th Military Region
1942-09-15 1944-05-10 General Officer Commanding XIX Corps [Tunisia]
1943-09-30 Retired, but remained employed
1944-05-10 1944-11-18 Director of Bureau of Armistice Studies
1944-11-18 1945-07-24 Head of the Military Mission for German Affairs
1945-07-24 1946-06-15 Head of the French Delegation, Allied Control Commission for Berlin
1945-07-24 1946-06-15 Assistant General Officer Commanding French Forces in Germany
1946-06-15 Retired
Picture source: From 'Slaget om Afrika' by Eddy Bauer, 1991