The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Gunji Kobayashi

Kobayashi, Gunji


* 24th of February 1897

† 21st of October 1981


(こばやし ぐんじ)


1939-03-09 Colonel
1943-08-02 Major-General


1939-03-09 1940-02-08 Staff Officer, Army Fortification Department
1940-02-08 1941-06-15 Chief of ? Branch, Army Technical Headquarters
1941-06-15 1942-10-15 Staff Officer, Research Institute, Army Technical Headquarters
1941-06-15 1942-10-15 Research Staff Member, Army Technical Headquarters
1942-10-15 1943-08-06 Staff Officer, 2nd Army Technical Research Institute
1943-08-06 1945-01-12 Chief of 2nd Factory, 1st Tokyo Army Arsenal
1944-08-30 1945-03-01 Attached to Tama Army Technical Research Institute
1945-01-12 1945-09-02 Chief of Oomiya Factory, 1st Tokyo Army Arsenal