The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Gyōichi Koito

Koito, Gyōichi


* 27th of March 1891

† 17th of November 1972


(こいと ぎょういち)


1936-08-01 Colonel
1939-03-09 Major-General
1941-11-06 Lieutenant-General


1936-08-01 1938-03-31 Commanding Officer 77th Infantry Regiment
1938-03-31 1939-03-09 Attached to Main Army Arsenal
1939-03-09 1939-04-01 Attached to 6th Depot Division
1939-04-01 1940-11-30 Commandant of Kumamoto Army Youth School
1940-11-30 1941-11-06 Commanding Officer Infantry Group 35th Division
1941-11-06 1945-09-02 General Officer Commanding 7th Division
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous