The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Fedor Samuilovich Kolchuk

Kolchuk, Fedor Samuilovich


* 15th of September 1894

† 3rd of January 1972

(Федор Самуилович Колчук)


1935-12-02 Kombrig
1942-11-17 Major-General


1931-03-20 1934-11-20 Chief of Staff, Military Transport School
1931-03-20 1934-11-20 Chief of Training Section, Military Transport School
1934-11-20 1938-07-28 Commanding Officer 6th Separate Railway Brigade
1938-07-28 Dismissed from the Army
1938-08-09 1939-03-24 Arrested
1939-03-27 Condemned to 2 years probation
1941-06-XX Reinstated in the Army
1941-07-XX 1942-05-XX Commanding Officer 182nd Reserve Rifle Regiment
1942-05-08 1944-03-09 Commanding Officer 353rd Rifle Division
1944-05-28 1946-06-XX Commanding Officer XXXVII Rifle Corps
1946-07-XX 1950-11-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXXV Guards Rifle Corps
1950-11-XX 1953-12-XX Commandant of 1st Military Automotive School
1953-12-04 Retired
Picture source:Колчук,_Фёдор_Самуилович