The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General of Tank Troops Boris Mikhailovich Korobkov

Korobkov, Boris Mikhailovich

Colonel-General of Tank Troops

* 24th of July 1900

† 19th of September 1971

(Борис Михайлович Коробков)


1942-01-06 Major-General of Tank Troops
1943-01-01 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops
1944-04-24 Colonel-General of Tank Troops


1938-06-09 1940-08-01 Assistant Head of Tank Directorate
1940-08-01 1942-08-30 Head of Main Tank Directorate
1942-08-30 1942-12-XX First Deputy Head of Main Tank Directorate 00.12.42-28.04.46: First Deputy Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1946-04-28 1947-01-27 Deputy Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1947-01-27 1947-11-24 Head of Main Tank Directorate
1947-11-24 1948-09-28 Deputy Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1948-09-28 1950-11-14 Deputy Commander in Chief for Technical Research, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1950-11-14 1952-01-XX Deputy Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1950-11-14 1952-01-XX Chief Inspector of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1952-01-XX 1952-10-27 At disposal of the Ministry of Defence 27.10.52: Retired
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