The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Aleksandr Andreevich Kotliarov

Kotliarov, Aleksandr Andreevich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 15th of April 1900

† 20th of November 1941

(Александр Андреевич Котляров)


1938-11-06 Colonel
1941-10-07 Major-General of Tank Troops


1933-11-XX 1938-08-XX Attending the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1938-08-XX 1938-12-23 Member of the Commission of People's Commissar of Defence for the Far East
1938-12-23 1939-XX-XX Commanding Officer 23rd Separate Light Tank Brigade
1939-XX-XX 1941-03-11 Commanding Officer 3rd Separate Light Tank Brigade
1941-03-11 1941-11-01 Commanding Officer 58th Tank Division
1941-11-01 1941-11-20 Commanding Officer 58th Tank Brigade
1941-11-20 Committed suicide
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