The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Pavel Aleksandrovich Kotov

Kotov, Pavel Aleksandrovich


* 17th of January 1900

† 25th of May 1966

(Павел Александрович Котов)


1937-10-13 Kombrig
1938-11-29 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Major-General of Aviation


1937-09-08 1937-10-13 Deputy Commanding Officer Air Forces, Kiev Military District
1937-10-13 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of the Air Force
1938-XX-XX Assistant Commander in Chief for Personnel, Air Force
1938-07-02 Head of Personnel Directorate, Air Force
1940-05-XX 1941-05-15 Commanding Officer Air Forces, Orel Military District
1941-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Head of Operational-Tactical Training Department, Leningrad Air Force Academy
1953-08-07 1956-12-29 Deputy Commandant for Operational-Tactical Training, Leningrad Air Force Engineering Academy
1956-12-29 Retired
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