The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Technical-Engineering Service Georgii Nikitich Kozhevnikov

Kozhevnikov, Georgii Nikitich

Major-General of Technical-Engineering Service

* 13th of April 1902

† 1966

(Георгий Никитич Кожевников)


1943-10-20 Major-General of Technical-Engineering Service


1940-XX-XX Head of 1st Main Directorate, People's Commissariat of Ammunition
1953-XX-XX Deputy Minister of Defence Industry
1955-XX-XX Deputy Minister of General Mechanical Engineering
1957-XX-XX Deputy Minister of Defence Industry of the USSR (1957).
1958-XX-XX Deputy Chairman for Defence Technology, State Committee, Council of Ministers
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