The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Aleksei Mikhailovich Kuznetsov

Kuznetsov, Aleksei Mikhailovich


* 30th of March 1901

† 25th of September 1961

(Алексей Михайлович Кузнецов)


1944-02-22 Major-General


1941-08-XX 1941-09-28 Senior Deputy Chief of Operations Section, Western Front
1941-09-28 1941-10-14 Chief of Operations Section, Boldin Operational Group
1941-10-14 1941-12-29 Behind enemy lines as partisan
1942-01-XX 1942-06-02 Chief of Staff, XVII Cavalry Corps 02.06.42-07.04.43: Chief of Staff, 51st Army
1942-06-10 1942-07-02 Commanding Officer 51st Army
1942-09-05 1942-09-27 Acting Commanding Officer 51st Army
1943-04-07 1943-07-14 Chief of Staff, 44th Army
1943-07-XX 1944-01-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1944-01-XX 1945-07-XX Head of the Military Intelligence Department, Frunze Military Academy
1945-07-XX 1945-08-XX At disposal of the Far Eastern Front
1945-08-XX Chief of Staff, LXV Rifle Corps
Chief of Staff, LIII Rifle Corps
1952-XX-XX Chief of Staff, CXXIII Rifle Corps
1952-XX-XX 1954-12-XX Instructor at the Military Academy of Rear Service & Supply
1954-12-XX 1955-09-XX Chief of Training Section, Higher Attestation Commission
1955-09-XX 1961-05-XX Chief of the Higher Attestation Commission
1961-05-XX Retired
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