The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Grigorii Gavrilovich Kuznetsov

Kuznetsov, Grigorii Gavrilovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 28th of November 1896

† 25th of October 1964

(Григорий Гаврилович Кузнецов)


1938-XX-XX Colonel
1944-08-02 Major-General of Tank Troops


1938-11-03 1939-10-31 Commanding Officer TAnk Forces, V Cavalry Corps
1939-10-31 1941-03-12 At disposal of the People's Commissar of Auto-Transport, Russia SFSR
1941-03-12 1941-08-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 21st Tank Division
1941-08-XX 1941-10-01 Acting Commanding Officer 21st Tank Division
1941-10-01 1941-12-13 Commanding Officer 2nd Tank Brigade
1942-03-30 1942-08-10 Commanding Officer 104th Tank Brigade
1942-08-10 1942-12-01 Deputy Commanding Officer for Tank Forces, 29th Army
1942-12-01 1943-05-16 Attending the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-05-16 1943-07-23 Commanding Officer 106th Tank Brigade
1943-07-23 1943-10-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1943-10-XX 1945-01-08 Assistant Commanding Officer VII Guards Tank Corps
1945-01-08 1945-10-XX Commanding Officer XXXI Tank Corps
1945-10-15 1946-05-XX Hospitalised
1946-05-15 1946-06-24 At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1946-06-24 1947-07-24 Commanding Officer 14th Guards Mechanised Division
1947-07-24 1949-05-20 Commanding Officer 14th Guards Cadre Mechanised Regiment
1949-05-20 1949-06-08 At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1949-06-08 1952-04-04 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 38th Army
1952-04-04 Retired
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