The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Auguste-Joseph-Marie Lahoulle

Lahoulle, Auguste-Joseph-Marie


* 2nd of September 1891

† 17th of April 1959

(Armée de l'Air)


1938-07-02 Brigadier-General
1942-01-01 Major-General


1938-05-16 1940-09-13 At disposal
1940-09-13 1941-04-12 Chairman of the French Air Force Delegation to the French-Italian Armistice Commission
1941-04-15 1943-08-01 Commander in Chief Air Forces, Morocco
1943-08-01 1943-10-01 On leave
1943-10-01 1944-02-19 At disposal
1944-02-19 Placed on terminal leave