The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Charles Reginald Cambridge Lane

Lane, Charles Reginald Cambridge


* 4th of December 1890

† 15th of September 1964

(20th Lancers)

(Indian Army)


1932-07-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-09-03 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-09-04 Colonel (Dated back to 1935-07-01)
1940-01-18 Temporary Brigadier
1941-01-15 Acting Major-General
1942-01-15 Temporary Major-General
1942-07-21 Major-General


1936-09-10 1939-09-03 Commanding Officer 20th Lancers
1939-09-04 1940-01-17 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, Rawalpindi District
1940-01-18 1941-01-14 Commanding Officer ? Area [India]
1941-01-15 1942-02-24 Deputy Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, Southern Command [India]
1942-02-25 1942-08-14 Deputy Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, 10th Army [Iraq-Persia]
1942-08-15 1943-XX-XX Deputy Quartermaster-General, Bases & Lines of Communications PaiForce [Iraq-Persia]
1943-XX-XX General Officer Commanding 303 Lines of Communications Area [India]
1943-11-16 1944-08-01 Deputy Principal Administration Officer, South-East Asia Command
1944-08-01 1946-05-31 Representative of Supreme Allied Commander in Chief South-East Asia in India
1944-08-01 1946-05-31 Commander Rear Headquarters South-East Asia Command, India
1947-02-01 Retired