The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Matvei Ilarionovich Lavrinenko

Lavrinenko, Matvei Ilarionovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 4th of August 1903

† 9th of January 1945

(Матвей Илларионович Лавриненко)


1940-XX-XX Colonel
1944-02-18 Major-General of Tank Troops


1941-05-09 1941-08-16 Chief of Operations Section, XXIII Mechanised Corps
1941-08-16 1941-09-28 Chief of Staff, 18th Tank Division
1941-09-28 1941-12-24 Chief of Staff, 14th Separate Tank Brigade
1941-12-24 1942-06-XX Commanding Officer 47th Tank Brigade
1942-07-17 1943-01-14 Deputy Commanding Officer for Tank Forces, 62nd Army
1943-01-14 1943-02-24 Chief of Staff, I Guards Tank Corps
1943-02-24 1943-07-12 Wounded and hospitalised
1943-07-12 1944-08-XX Chief of Staff, X Tank Corps
1944-08-XX 1945-01-09 Deputy Commanding Officer V Guards Tank Corps
1945-01-09 Killed in Action
Picture source:Лавриненко,_Матвей_Илларионович