The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops Ivan Gavrilovich Lazarev

Lazarev, Ivan Gavrilovich

Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops

* 1st of July 1898

† 27th of September 1979

(Иван Гаврилович Лазарев)


1935-11-XX Colonel
1938-02-22 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Tank Troops
1943-06-07 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops


1935-06-17 1937-08-08 Chief of Staff, 16th Mechanised Brigade
1937-08-08 1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer 16th Mechanised Brigade
1938-XX-XX 1940-12-09 Commanding Officer 22nd Light Tank Brigade
1940-12-09 1941-03-11 Deputy Commanding Officer I Mechanised Corps
1941-03-11 1941-07-20 Commanding Officer X Mechanised Corps
1941-09-01 1941-11-17 Commanding Officer 55th Army
1941-11-17 1941-11-30 Wounded and hospitalised
1941-11-30 1942-05-XX Deputy Inspector-General of Tank Forces
1942-05-XX 1942-05-28 Deputy Commander in Chief for Tank Forces, Northern Caucasian Front
1942-05-28 1942-07-22 Commanding Officer II Tank Corps
1942-07-22 1943-05-26 Commanding Officer XI Tank Corps
1943-05-26 1945-06-XX Commanding Officer XX Tank Corps
1945-06-XX 1946-05-28 Commanding Officer 20th Tank Division
1946-05-28 1947-08-12 Deputy General Officer Commanding 8th Mechanised Army
1947-08-12 1958-02-27 Head of Tank & Mechanised Forces Department, Military Political Academy
1958-02-27 Retired
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