The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General François-Marie-Honoré Le Nôtre

Le Nôtre, François-Marie-Honoré


* 30th of November 1886

† 13th of March 1948


1934-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-10-01 Brigadier-General


1939-01-25 1940-03-23 Commanding Officer 182nd Heavy Artillery Regiment
1940-03-23 1940-06-10 Commanding Officer Heavy Artillery, 9th Corps
1940-06-10 1942-01-12 Prisoner of War
1942-01-12 Released for reasons of health
1942-01-30 1942-05-04 Attached to the Army Decorations Service
1942-05-04 1942-12-15 Attached to the Commission on War 39-40 Awards
1942-12-15 1943-04-30 Director of the Army Social Services, 9th Military Division
1943-04-30 Retired
1944-04-15 Recalled
1944-05-15 1944-07-07 At the disposal of Army Social Services
1944-07-07 1944-12-01 Representative of the Secretary of State for Defence to the Special Advisory Commission at the National Office for Combatants, Paris
1944-12-01 Retired