The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Pierre-Paul Lelong

Lelong, Pierre-Paul


* 20th of January 1891

† 2nd of May 1947


1933-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-03-25 Colonel
1943-03-25 Brigadier-General


1939-09-02 1940-04-16 Commanding Officer 6th Colonial Infantry Regiment
1940-04-16 1940-06-04 Commanding Officer 6th Mixed Senegalese Colonial Infantry Regiment
1940-06-04 1940-06-29 Commanding Officer 485th Colonial Pioneer Regiment
1940-06-29 1940-07-27 Attached to Camp Rivesaltes
1940-07-27 1940-11-02 Commanding Officer Camp Rivesaltes
1940-11-02 1940-12-16 On leave
1940-12-17 1942-01-31 Armistice leave
1942-01-31 Retired
1942-08-06 Passed through Gibraltar
1942-08-09 Joins the Free French
1942-08-09 1943-02-09 On leave
1943-02-09 1943-03-18 Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Free French Brigade
1943-03-18 1943-09-10 Commanding Officer 1st Free French Brigade
1943-09-10 1945-04-16 General Officer Commanding French Forces in French East Africa
1945-04-16 1946-XX-XX On leave
1946-XX-XX 1946-05-30 At disposal
1946-05-30 1947-05-22 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Corsica
1947-05-22 Killed a car accident
Picture source: From: "Revue des troupes coloniales", 1947, no. 290