The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Pavel Ivanovich Levin

Levin, Pavel Ivanovich


* 15th of November 1900

† 2nd of July 1971

(Павел Иванович Левин)


1940-02-20 Colonel
1944-06-03 Major-General
1953-08-03 Lieutenant-General


1941-10-XX 1942-01-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, 9th Army
1941-10-XX 1942-01-XX Chief of Operations Section, 9th Army
1942-01-XX 1942-06-XX Chief of Staff, 30th Rifle Division
1942-06-14 1943-01-XX Commanding Officer 16th Rifle Brigade
1943-01-XX 1943-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 63rd Cavalry Division
1943-03-XX 1943-08-08 Deputy Chief of Staff, 51st Army
1943-04-10 1943-04-15 Acting Chief of Staff, 51st Army
1943-08-08 1945-07-30 Chief of Staff, 2nd Guards Army
1945-07-30 1947-02-XX Chief of Staff, 28th Army
1947-02-XX 1949-06-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Primorsk Military District
1947-02-XX 1949-06-XX Chief of Operations Section, Primorsk Military District
1949-06-XX 1952-10-XX First Deputy Commanding Officer 5th Army
1949-06-XX 1952-10-XX Chief of Staff, 5th Army
1952-10-XX 1955-06-XX Commanding Officer V Guards Rifle Corps
1955-06-XX 1956-09-22 Commanding Officer XIX Rifle Corps
1957-01-XX 1959-11-XX Assistant Commander in Chief for Military Educational Institutions, Odessa Military District
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