The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Li Zhen

Li Zhen


* 1900

† 20th of January 1988



1938-06-24 Major-General
1948-09-22 Lieutenant-General


1936-07-XX 1937-10-XX Commanding Officer 451st Brigade, 151st Division, 4th Army
1937-10-XX 1938-04-XX Commanding Officer 186th Division, 65th Army
1938-04-XX 1941-11-XX Senior Staff Officer, 12th Army Group
1941-11-XX 1947-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 65th Army
1947-XX-XX 1948-10-XX Commanding Officer 65th Division
1948-10-XX 1949-12-25 Commander in Chief 18th Army Corps
1948-10-XX 1949-12-25 Commanding Officer 65th Army
1949-12-25 Revolts against the Nationalist Government
Joins the People's Liberation Army
Deputy Commanding Officer Eastern Sichuan Province Military Region
Picture source: Courtesy of Tom Chan