The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Liao Quanshu

Liao Quanshu


* 21st of April 1910

† 16th of March 1987



1939-12-XX 1942-05-XX Chief of Staff Section, 2nd Division, 52nd Army
1942-05-XX 1942-12-XX Chief of Staff, 2nd Division, 52nd Army
1942-12-XX 1943-03-XX Commanding Officer 6th Regiment, 2nd Division, 52nd Army
1943-03-XX 1943-08-XX Commanding Officer 75th Regiment, 25th Division, 52nd Army
1943-08-XX 1943-11-XX Attached to 52nd Army
1943-11-XX 1945-03-XX Chief of Administration Section, 52nd Army
1945-03-XX 1945-11-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, 52nd Army
1945-11-XX 1949-04-XX Chief of Staff, 52nd Army
1948-10-XX 1949-04-XX Mayor of Yingkou, Liaoning Province
1949-04-XX 1949-12-24 Chief of Staff, 15th Army
1949-12-24 Joins the People's Republic
1955-XX-XX Member of the Standing Committee, Wuhan People's Political Consultative Conference
1959-XX-XX Advisor, Wuhan People's Government