The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Liao Shiqiao

Liao Shiqiao


* 1892

† 1951



1936-10-16 Major-General
1947-07-07 Lieutenant-General


1926-XX-XX Commanding Officer ? Engineering Regiment
1929-XX-XX Commander of Officers Education Company, Central Military Academy
1931-XX-XX Chief of Education, Infantry School
1934-XX-XX Chief of Security Bureau, Jiangxi Province
1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer Lake Poyang Garrison Command
1945-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Security Command, Jiangxi Province
1947-XX-XX Retires
1949-XX-XX Joins the People's Liberation Army
1951-XX-XX Condemned to death as Counter-Revolutionary
1951-XX-XX Executed