The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Liao Yunzhou

Liao Yunzhou


* 25th of November 1904

† 11th of May 1996



1932-12-XX Lieutenant-Colonel (Post rank)
1933-05-XX Colonel (Post rank)
1936-02-23 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-10-XX Major-General (Post rank)
1940-07-19 Colonel
1948-09-22 Major-General
1955-09-27 Major-General (People's Liberation Army)


1932-12-XX 1933-05-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Regiment, 2nd Division
1933-05-XX 1933-09-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Army
1933-09-XX 1938-01-XX Commanding Officer 738th Regiment, 46th Independent Brigade
1938-01-XX 1938-02-XX Commanding Officer 6th Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division
1938-02-XX 1938-10-XX Commanding Officer 656th Regiment, 328th Brigade, 110th Division
1938-10-XX 1939-06-XX Commanding Officer 330th Brigade, 110th Division
1939-06-XX 1939-10-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 110th Division
1939-06-XX 1939-10-XX Commanding Officer Reserve Regiment, 110th Division
1939-10-XX 1941-06-XX Commanding Officer Training Brigade, Guerrilla Warfare Cadre Training Class, 31st Army Group
1941-06-XX 1942-04-01 Deputy Commanding Officer 110th Division
1942-04-01 1946-04-XX Commanding Officer 110th Division
1946-04-XX 1948-09-19 Commanding Officer 110th Brigade
1948-09-19 1948-12-27 Commanding Officer 11oth Division
1948-12-27 Revolts against the Nationalist Government
1949-02-XX Joins the People's Liberation Army
1949-02-09 1952-09-XX Commanding Officer 42nd Division
1952-09-XX 1954-12-XX Attending the Military Academy
1954-12-XX 1962-08-XX Commandant of the Higher Artillery School
1962-08-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Tom Chan