The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Liu Haibo

Liu Haibo


* 5th of August 1900

† 8th of February 1971



1926-07-XX Lieutenant-Colonel (Post rank)
1928-12-XX Colonel (Post rank)
1934-03-XX Major-General (Post rank)
1937-05-07 Major-General


1926-07-XX 1927-03-XX Chief of Education Department, Beijing Branch School, Northeastern Military Academy
1927-03-XX 1928-12-XX Education Adjutant, Northeastern Military Academy
1928-12-XX 1931-10-XX Commanding Officer Non-Commissioned Officers Training Team, Heilongjiang Army
1931-10-XX 1934-03-XX Unemployed
1934-03-XX 1935-04-20 Commanding Officer Non-Commissioned Officers Training Team, Luoyang Branch School, Central Military Academy
1935-04-20 1937-11-XX Deputy Commandant of Luoyang Branch School, Central Military Academy
1937-11-XX 1940-07-XX Deputy Commandant of 1st Branch School, Central Military Academy
1940-07-XX 1942-07-XX Attending the 5th Special Class, Army College
1942-07-XX 1946-01-XX Chief of Education, Cadre Training Corps, 6th War Area
1946-01-XX 1946-04-XX Commanding Officer ? Team, 3rd Battalion, 18th Officers Corps, Ministry of War
1946-04-XX Retired
1949-XX-XX Joins the People's Republic
1950-08-XX Joins the People's Liberation Army
1950-08-XX 1954-XX-XX Instructor at Nanjing Military Academy
1954-XX-XX 1971-02-08 Advisor, Zhejiang Provincial People's Government