The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Liu Menglian

Liu Menglian


* 1904

† 1950



1948-09-22 Major-General


1937-XX-XX Commanding Officer 4th Security Regiment, Shaanxi
1939-XX-XX Instructor at the 7th Branch School, Central Military Academy
1942-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 27th Division, 90th Army
1943-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 177th Division, 96th Army
1946-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 177th Brigade, 38th Division
1947-XX-XX Commanding Officer 31st Brigade, 27th Division
1948-XX-XX Commanding Officer 177th Division
1948-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 38th Army
1949-XX-XX Commanding Officer 27th Army
1950-XX-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Route, Anti-Communist National-Salvation Army
1950-XX-XX Captured by the People's Liberation Army
1950-XX-XX Executed