The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Liu Mingxia

Liu Mingxia


* 1903

† April 1951



1939-07-12 Major-General


1927-XX-XX 1927-08-01 Commanding Officer 71st Regiment, 24th Division, 11th Army
1927-08-01 Revolts against the Nationalist Government
1928-XX-XX 1929-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Frontline, Eastern Route, Qiongyai Workers' & Peasants' Revolutionary Army
1929-XX-XX Rejoins the Nationalist Government
1930-10-XX 1934-08-XX Chief of Staff, 2nd Independent Brigade, 1st Army Group
1934-08-XX 1937-10-XX Commanding Officer 57th Regiment, 28th Brigade, 10th Division
1937-10-XX 1940-06-XX Commanding Officer 28th Brigade, 10th Division
1940-06-XX 1941-05-XX Commanding Officer 94th Division
1941-05-XX Captured by the Japanese
1941-XX-XX Joins the Japanese Puppet Government
1941-XX-XX Member, Military Commission, Puppet Government
Commanding Officer Hubei Military Training Corps, Puppet Government
Commanding Officer Shanghai Security Command, Puppet Government
1945-08-XX Rejoins the Nationalist Government
1945-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Shanghai Operations Group
Commanding Officer 15th Combined Group, Communications Police
Special Commissioner Communications Police Headquarters
1947-07-XX 1948-11-XX Arrested for treason
1948-11-XX Released
1949-08-XX Arrested by the People's Republic
1951-04-XX Condemned to death as Counter-Revolutionary
1951-04-XX Executed
Picture source: Courtesy of Tom Chan