The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Lieutenant-General  Liu Yuantang

Liu Yuantang


* 1903

† 1958



1936-12-30 Major-General
1938-03-17 Lieutenant-General


1932-XX-XX Commanding Officer 13th Brigade, 24th Army
1933-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 24th Army
1935-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Sichuan-xikang Border Defence Command
1940-XX-XX Commanding Officer 2nd New Army
1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer 36th Army
1943-XX-XX Retired
1949-XX-XX Chairman of the Board, Shengli Bank, Chongqing
1950-XX-XX Sentenced to prison by the People's Republic
1958-XX-XX Died in Prison