The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Liu Zhenguo

Liu Zhenguo


* 1902

† 1986



1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 62nd Regiment, 21st Division
1928-XX-XX Adjutant, National Revolutionary Army Headquarters
1928-XX-XX Inspector 3rd Reorganization Area
1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer Ganzhou Regiment Area, Jiangxi
1944-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Zhenyuan-Dushan Division Area, Guizhou
1946-XX-XX Attached to the Ministry of National Defence
1949-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Northern Guizhou Pacification Area
1949-XX-XX Joins the People's Republic
1951-XX-XX Sentenced to Prison for 7 years
1983-XX-XX Rehabilitated
1983-XX-XX Advisor, Hunan Provincial People's Government