The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Commissar Mendel Abramovich Losev

Losev, Mendel Abramovich


* March 1901

† 29th of April 1938

(Мендель Абрамович Лосев)


1936-01-02 Brigade-Commissar


1932-11-XX 1933-03-XX Assistant Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, 26th Aviation Brigade
1932-11-XX 1933-03-XX Chief of the Political Section, 26th Aviation Brigade
1933-03-XX 1937-12-14 Military Commissar, 9th Heavy Bomber Aviation Brigade
1937-03-XX 1937-12-14 Chief of the Political Section, 9th Heavy Bomber Aviation Brigade
1937-12-14 1938-04-29 Arrested
1938-04-29 Condemned to death
1938-04-29 Executed
1958-01-30 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko