The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Mikhail Fedorovich Lukin

Lukin, Mikhail Fedorovich


* 6th of November 1892

† 25th of May 1970

(Михаил Федорович Лукин)


1935-11-20 Komdiv
1939-11-04 Komkor
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General


1922-10-XX 1923-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 23rd Rifle Division
1923-03-XX 1924-05-XX Chief of Staff, 7th Rifle Division
1924-05-XX 1924-10-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 99th Rifle Division
1924-10-XX 1926-10-XX Chief of Combat & Manning Section, Ural Military District
1926-10-XX 1927-06-XX Chief of 5th Section, Ural Military District
1927-06-XX 1929-01-01 Chief of 1st Section, Command Directorate, Main Directorate of the Red Army
1929-01-01 1935-04-XX Commanding Officer 23rd Rifle Division
1935-04-XX 1937-07-XX Commandant of Moscow
1937-07-XX 1937-12-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate of the Red Army
1937-12-XX 1939-07-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Siberian Military District
1939-07-XX 1939-12-XX Chief of Staff, Siberian, Military District
1939-12-XX 1940-05-25 Deputy Commander in Chief Siberian Military District
1940-06-22 1941-08-08 Commanding Officer 16th Army
1941-06-26 1941-07-02 Commander in Chief ? Operational Group
1941-08-08 1941-09-10 Commanding Officer 20th Army
1941-09-10 1941-10-14 Commanding Officer 19th Army
1941-10-14 Severely wounded and captured
1941-10-14 1945-05-XX Prisoner of War
1945-05-27 1945-12-XX Arrested
1945-12-XX Released
1946-11-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin