The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General John Mandeville Macfie

Macfie, John Mandeville


* 13th of December 1891

† 14th of June 1985

(Royal Army Medical Corps)


1940-05-13 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-08-13 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-01-12 Acting Colonel
1942-01-26 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-07-12 Temporary Colonel
1943-03-12 Reverted to Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-06-07 Acting Brigadier
1943-12-07 Temporary Brigadier
1946-07-02 Colonel (Dated back to 1945-01-26)
1948-12-12 Brigadier
1949-11-28 Temporary Major-General
1950-03-28 Major-General


1940-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX Assistant Director of Medical Services, Middle East Command
1943-04-XX 1943-06-XX Assistant Director-General of Army Medical Services, War Office
1943-06-07 1946-XX-XX Deputy Director-General of Army Medical Services, War Office
1946-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services, East African Command
1949-03-XX 1949-11-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services, Scottish Command
1949-11-XX 1950-02-XX Commandant of Royal Army Medical College
1950-03-29 1951-12-14 Honorary Physician to the King
1950-XX-XX 1951-XX-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services, Western Command
1951-04-26 1956-12-13 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Army Medical Corps
1952-01-10 Retired
1954-01-28 1956-12-13 Honorary Colonel, Royal Army Medical Corps, 52nd Infantry Division