The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Joseph-Abraham-Auguste-Pierre-Edouard Magnan

Magnan, Joseph-Abraham-Auguste-Pierre-Edouard


* 11th of January 1896

† 10th of June 1976


1938-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-03-25 Colonel
1943-05-08 Temporary Brigadier-General
1944-08-31 Temporary Major-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1943-05-08)
1945-09-01 Major-General (Dated back to 1944-08-31)
1947-02-20 Lieutenant-General
1954-05-01 General


1938-11-25 1942-01-15 Chief of Staff, Division Cochichine-Cambodge [Indochina]
1942-01-15 1942-11-12 Commanding Officer Moroccan Colonial Infantry Regiment [Morocco]
1942-11-12 1942-11-20 Arrested and interned for aiding the American landings in Morocco
1942-11-20 1942-12-13 On mission to Gibraltar
1942-12-13 1943-02-17 At the disposal of the Commander in Chief, North Africa
1943-02-17 1943-07-20 Commanding Officer Corps Franc d'Afrique
1943-04-28 1943-05-08 Liaison Officer with II American Corps
1943-07-20 1943-08-01 Assistant Chief of Staff, Free French Forces
1943-08-01 1943-08-24 Deputy General Officer Commanding Free French Divisions Group
1943-08-24 1944-01-18 Deputy General Officer Commanding II Corps
1944-01-18 1944-12-25 General Officer Commanding 9th Colonial Division
1944-12-25 1945-03-13 Attached to Colonial Troops Directorate, Ministry of War
1945-03-13 1949-01-01 Commander in Chief French West Africa
1949-01-01 1951-08-28 General Officer Commanding 9th Military Region
1950-01-01 1951-12-31 Member of the Supreme War Council
1951-08-28 1954-09-01 Military-Governor of Lyon
1951-08-28 1954-09-01 General Officer Commanding 8th Military Region
1951-08-28 1954-09-01 Inspector of 4th Defence Zone
1954-07-21 1955-12-31 Member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
1954-09-01 1957-01-11 Inspector-General for the Defence of Metropolitan France
1957-01-11 Retired
Picture source: From: "Revue des troupes coloniales", 1946, no. 274