The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Gustave Maignan

Maignan, Gustave


* 29th of March 1880

† 30th of July 1945


1925-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1929-09-25 Colonel
1935-03-13 Brigadier-General
1939-03-23 Major-General


1934-10-30 1935-11-09 Assistant Commander 2nd Maritime Region
1934-10-30 1935-11-09 Governor of Brest
1934-10-30 1935-11-09 Commanding Officer Brest Sub-Divisions Group
1935-11-09 1937-11-29 Commanding Officer Dakar Strong-point
1935-11-09 1937-11-29 General Officer Commanding Artillery French West Africa
1935-11-09 1937-11-29 Commanding Officer 1st West African Brigade
1938-02-23 1938-05-26 On leave
1938-05-27 1939-05-05 Member of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Defence
1939-05-05 1940-07-04 General Officer Commanding 2nd Colonial Division
1940-07-04 1940-08-20 Commanding Officer Department Tarn-et-Garonne
1940-08-20 Retired