The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Fedor Alekseevich Makarov

Makarov, Fedor Alekseevich


* 8th of February 1901

† 9th of March 1989

(Федор Алексеевич Макаров)


1944-11-02 Major-General


1939-10-XX 1940-08-XX Chief of 2nd Section, Northern Army Group
1940-08-XX 1940-12-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Special Rifle Corps
1940-12-XX 1941-10-31 Deputy Commanding Officer 79th Rifle Division
1941-10-31 1942-07-14 Commanding Officer 190th Rifle Division
1942-07-XX 1943-10-XX Commanding Officer 12th Separate Rifle Brigade
1943-10-XX 1944-09-XX Chief of Staff, CV Rifle Corps
1944-09-07 1945-07-XX Commanding Officer 69th Rifle Division
1945-07-XX 1947-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer CV Rifle Corps
1947-07-XX 1949-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXIV Guards Rifle Corps
1949-05-XX 1950-03-XX Chief of Combat Training Branch, Military Section, Soviet Military Administration in Germany
1950-03-XX 1952-02-XX Deputy Chief of Military Section, Soviet Control Commission in Germany
1950-03-XX 1952-02-XX Chief of Organisational-Instructor Branch, Military Section, Soviet Control Commission in Germany
1952-02-XX 1953-09-XX Chief of Military Section, Soviet Control Commission in Germany
1953-09-XX 1954-07-XX Deputy Chief Military Adviser to the East German Police
1954-07-XX 1956-02-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Engineering Academy
1956-02-XX Retired
Picture source:Макаров,_Фёдор_Алексеевич