The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Georgii Maksimovich Maksimov

Maksimov, Georgii Maksimovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 1st of May 1903

† 3rd of September 1996

(Георгий Максимович Максимов)


1942-03-15 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-09-14 Colonel
1945-07-11 Major-General of Tank Troops


1941-03-24 1941-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 41st Tank Regiment
1941-07-XX 1941-09-01 Acting Chief of Supply Section, 21st Tank Division
1941-09-01 1942-03-31 Commanding Officer 41st Tank Regiment
1942-03-31 1943-07-22 Commanding Officer 103rd Tank Brigade
1943-07-22 1943-10-08 Wounded and hospitalised
1943-10-08 1944-11-20 Deputy Commanding Officer XVI Tank Corps
1943-12-01 1943-12-12 Acting Commanding Officer XVI Tank Corps
1944-11-20 1945-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XII Guards Tank Corps
1945-01-03 1945-04-XX Hospitalised
1945-04-XX 1946-07-09 Deputy Commanding Officer XII Guards Tank Corps
1946-07-09 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Evgeny Kabalin