The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ettore Manca

Manca, Ettore


* 30th of May 1877

† 9th of February 1966

Nickname: Marchese di Mores


1934-08-29 Brigadier-General
1938-04-11 Major-General (War merits)(Seniority from 1937-06-19)
1939-08-17 Lieutenant-General (Seniority from 1939-07-19)


1927-XX-XX 1931-XX-XX Chief Instructor at Senior Officer Application Course, War School
1935-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Troops Dodecanese Islands
Inspector of Artillery
1937-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Attached to the Ministry of War
1941-05-30 Retired, but remained employed
1942-XX-XX 1942-08-16 General Officer Commanding Artillery, North African General Headquarters
1942-05-30 Retired, but remained employed
1942-08-16 1942-10-10 General Officer Commanding Artillery, Libya General Headquarters
1942-10-10 1942-12-10 Attached to the Army General Staff
1942-12-10 Deputy Chief for Territorial Defence, Army General Staff
Picture source: Courtesy of Giovanni Pinna