The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Pierre-Alexandre Marchand

Marchand, Pierre-Alexandre


* 29th of September 1893

† 10th of August 1971


1935-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-09-01 Colonel
1942-12-25 Brigadier-General
1945-06-25 Major-General


1940-04-17 1940-12-05 Commanding Officer Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment, Tchad
1940-04-17 1940-12-05 Commanding Officer Tchad
1940-12-05 1941-12-01 Commanding Officer Infantry, Free French Africa
1941-12-01 1942-01-17 Member of the French Military Mission in South Africa
1942-01-17 1943-02-01 Commanding Officer Northern Territories Syria
1943-02-01 1945-04-27 General Officer Commanding French Equatorial Africa
1945-04-27 1945-07-27 Commanding Officer Alpine Brigade
1945-07-27 1945-11-05 General Officer Commanding 29th Alpine Division
1945-11-05 1946-05-XX General Officer Commanding 13th Military Region
1946-05-XX 1947-01-16 General Officer Commanding 12th Military Region
1947-01-16 1947-08-30 General Officer Commanding 4th Military Region
1947-08-30 1953-07-01 At disposal
1953-07-01 Retired