The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Georgii Iosifovich Martirosov

Martirosov, Georgii Iosifovich


* 1906

† 1977


(Георгий Иосифович Мартиросов)


1940-10-22 Captain of State Security
1941-09-06 Major of State Security
1942-04-10 Senior Major of State Security
1943-02-14 Commissar of State Security
1945-07-09 Major-General


1939-10-15 1940-10-04 Chief of NKVD Road Traffic Section, Belorussian Railway
1940-10-04 1941-02-26 Chief of NKVD Road Traffic Section, Latvian Railway
1941-02-26 1943-05-07 People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, Armenia SSR 07.05.43-22.04.45: People's Commissar of State Security, Armenia SSR
1945-06-18 1951-11-17 Deputy Head of Ministry of State Security MGB, Gorky
1945-06-XX 1946-03-XX Commanding Officer NKGB Operational Sector Saxony-Halle [Germany]
1946-03-XX 1947-07-XX Commanding Officer MGB Operational Sector Saxony-Halle [Germany]
1951-11-17 1952-08-15 Head of Ministry of State Security MGB, Gorky
1952-08-15 1953-03-16 Minister of State Security, Armenia SSR
1953-03-16 1954-04-13 Minister of Internal Affairs, Armenia SSR
1954-05-18 1955-02-14 Head of the Committee of State Security KGB, Arkhangelsk
1955-02-14 1955-05-23 At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Committee of State Security KGB
1955-05-23 Retired
Picture source: From: 'Kto rukovodil organami gosbezopasnosti 1941-1954' by N.V. Petrov, 2010