The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Giorgio Masina

Masina, Giorgio


* 14th of July 1890


1940-05-31 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1940-01-01)


Commanding Officer 21st Infantry Regiment "Cremona"
Commanding Officer 84th Infantry Regiment "Venezia"
1940-06-10 1942-10-05 Commanding Officer Troops on Elba
1942-10-05 1942-10-14 Attached to the Delegation of the Supreme General Staff to North Africa
1942-10-14 1942-11-25 General Officer Commanding 102nd Motorized Division "Trento" [North Africa]
1942-11-25 Prisoner of War
Picture source: From Hutchinson's Pictorial History of the War /ed. by Walter Hutchinson, 1945