The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Nikolai Ivanovich Matiushin

Matiushin, Nikolai Ivanovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 9th of May 1902

† 15th of December 1965

(Николай Иванович Матюшин)


1944-07-28 Major-General of Tank Troops


1941-01-28 1941-09-14 Chief of the Political Section, 1st Tank Division
1941-11-20 1942-03-03 Military Commissar, 125th Tank Brigade
1942-03-XX 1942-07-04 Member of the Military Council, Guards Mortars Units, Briansk Front
1942-07-04 1943-01-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1943-01-XX 1943-03-24 At disposal of the Political Directorate
1943-03-24 1943-06-16 Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, IV Guards Mechanised Corps
1943-06-16 1943-08-02 Chief of the Political Section, IV Guards Mechanised Corps
1943-08-XX 1943-11-XX Attending Frunze Military Academy
1943-11-12 1944-10-27 Chief of the Political Section, 2nd Tank Army
1944-03-17 1944-10-27 Member of the Military Council, 2nd Tank Army
1944-12-XX 1945-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, Ukrainian Tank Camp
1944-12-XX 1945-12-XX Chief of the Political Section, Ukrainian Tank Camp
1945-12-XX 1947-09-19 Deputy Chief for Political Affairs, Personnel Section, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Kiev Military District
1947-09-19 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko