The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kunizō Matsuda

Matsuda, Kunizō


* 8th of July 1883

† 22nd of October 1935


(まつだ くにぞう)


1927-07-26 Colonel
1932-08-08 Major-General


1927-03-15 1929-12-10 Staff Officer, Chosen Army [Korea]
1929-12-10 1932-08-08 Commanding Officer Imperial Guards Regiment
1932-08-08 1934-03-05 Commanding Officer 11th Infantry Brigade
1934-03-05 1935-03-15 Attached to 6th Division
1935-03-15 1935-03-30 In reserve
1935-03-30 Retired