The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Katsuaki Matsunō

Matsunō, Katsuaki


* 5th of June 1889

† 19th of April 1972


(まつのお かつあき)


1938-07-15 Colonel
1943-03-01 Major-General


1938-02-17 1939-01-31 Commanding Officer 27th Depot Infantry Regiment
1939-01-31 1941-12-16 Commanding Officer 108th Infantry Regiment
1941-12-16 1943-03-01 Commanding Officer 101st Mixed Regiment
1943-03-01 1944-01-10 Commanding Officer Infantry Group, 116th Infantry Division
1944-01-10 1944-09-25 Commanding Officer 7th Independent Brigade
1944-09-25 1944-10-31 In reserve
1944-10-31 Retired
1945-03-09 Recalled
1945-03-09 1945-09-02 Commanding Officer 84th Infantry Brigade