The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops Nikolai Stepanovich Matveev

Matveev, Nikolai Stepanovich

Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops

* 15th of February 1897

† 19th of June 1979

(Николай Степанович Матвеев)


1942-05-03 Major-General of Technical Troops
1944-09-13 Lieutenant-General of Technical Troops


1936-10-23 1937-01-XX Instructor at the Military Electro-Technical Academy
1937-01-XX 1939-09-29 Head of ? Course, Military Electro-Technical Academy
1939-09-29 1940-07-02 Senior Instructor at the Military Electro-Technical Academy
1940-07-02 1941-07-28 Chief of Signal Section, 14th Army
1941-07-28 1943-04-23 Deputy Chief of Signal Section, Northwestern Front
1943-04-23 1943-06-20 Chief of Signal Section, Northern Caucasian Front
1943-06-20 1943-10-20 Chief of Signal Section, Steppe Front
1943-10-20 1945-07-16 Chief of Signal Section, 2nd Ukrainian Front
1945-07-16 1946-06-24 Commandant of Kiev Higher Signal Officer School
1946-05-24 1950-09-29 Head of the Signal Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1950-09-29 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin