The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General John Edward Chalmers McCandlish

McCandlish, John Edward Chalmers


* 11th of October 1901

† 26th of August 1974

(Royal Engineers)


1940-04-17 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-07-11 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-02-17 Acting Colonel
1941-08-17 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-08-17 Temporary Colonel
1942-05-22 Acting Brigadier
1942-11-22 Temporary Brigadier
1944-07-31 Colonel
Acting Major-General
Relinquish the Acting rank of Major-General
1946-11-04 Acting Major-General
1947-09-14 Temporary Major-General
1947-10-04 Major-General (Dated back to 1945-02-24)


1940-04-17 1941-02-16 Assistant Adjutant-General ?
1944-04-10 Deputy Director of Organization, War Office
1944-12-01 1945-01-22 Deputy Adjutant-General, 21st Army Group [Northwestern Europe]
1945-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX Deputy Adjutant-General, British Army of the Rhine [Germany]
1946-11-04 1949-11-04 Director of Personnel Administration, War Office
1949-12-14 Retired
1963-10-16 1965-07-15 Honorary Colonel, 80th (Scottish) Port Regiment, Royal Engineers, Territorial Army
1965-07-15 1967-03-31 Honorary Colonel, 80th (Scottish) Port Regiment, Royal Transport Corps, Territorial Army
Picture source: NPG x186329, National Portrait Gallery, London