The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Germain-Stanislas-Victor Mennerat

Mennerat, Germain-Stanislas-Victor


* 30th of July 1889

† 2nd of August 1973


1930-12-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1934-12-25 Colonel
1939-12-10 Temporary Brigadier-General
1940-09-01 Reverted to Colonel
1944-01-29 Brigadier-General
1944-10-01 Reverted to Colonel
1946-05-23 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1942-02-20)
1946-08-01 Major-General


1932-XX-XX 1933-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Military Territory, Haininh [Indochina]
1937-02-XX Temporary Head of the French Military Mission to Brazil
1937-03-15 Commanding Officer 23rd Colonial Infantry Regiment
1939-09-02 1940-03-23 Commanding Officer Infantry, 5th Colonial Infantry Division
1940-03-23 1941-01-15 Commanding Officer 2nd Tonkin Brigade [Indochina]
1940-07-05 1941-01-15 Commanding Officer Military Territory Langson [Indochina]
1941-06-12 1941-07-17 On leave
1941-08-01 1942-01-15 Assistant Commanding Officer Southeastern Group of Colonial Camps
1942-01-15 1942-03-01 Commanding Officer Southeastern Group of Colonial Camps
1942-03-01 1944-01-29 On leave
1944-01-29 Retired