The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Artillery Nikolai Fedorovich Mentiukov

Mentiukov, Nikolai Fedorovich

Major-General of Artillery

* 11th of January 1904

† 19th of April 1992

(Николай Федорович Ментюков)


1944-11-18 Major-General


1940-08-XX 1941-08-21 Commanding Officer 740th Howitzer Artillery Regiment
1941-08-21 1941-12-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1941-12-XX 1942-11-26 Commanding Officer Artillery, 232nd Rifle Division
1942-11-26 1943-01-XX Commanding Officer 8th Anti-Tank Brigade
1943-03-16 1943-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 10th Artillery Division
1943-04-XX 1943-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Artillery, 69th Army
1943-06-XX Acting Commanding Officer Artillery, 40th Army
1943-XX-XX Acting Commanding Officer Artillery, 3rd Guards Tank Army
1944-08-04 Commanding Officer Artillery, 40th Army
1944-08-04 1945-03-17 Deputy Commanding Officer 4th Tank Army
1944-08-04 1945-03-17 Commanding Officer Artillery, 4th Tank Army
1945-03-17 1945-05-09 Deputy Commanding Officer 4th Guards Tank Army
1945-03-17 1946-10-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, 4th Guards Tank Army
1946-10-XX 1947-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Artillery, 4th Guards Mechanised Army
1946-10-XX 1947-01-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, 4th Guards Mechanised Army
1947-01-XX 1949-07-25 Commanding Officer Artillery 4th Guards Separate Tank Division
1949-07-25 1951-08-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, 4th Guards Mechanized Army
1951-08-XX 1953-05-XX Chief of the 5th Section, Combat Training Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1951-08-XX 1953-05-XX Deputy Head for Self-Propelled Artillery, Combat Training Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1953-05-XX Retired