The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Marshal of Italy Giovanni Messe

Messe, Giovanni

Marshal of Italy

* 10th of December 1883

† 19th of December 1968


1927-11-27 Colonel (Seniority from 1927-05-28)
1936-01-01 Brigadier-General
1938-07-31 Major-General (Seniority from 1938-06-30) promotion: 30.11.1942 General (War merits)(Seniority from 1942-11-16)
1943-05-12 Marshal of Italy


1919-07-06 Attached to 57th Infantry Regiment
1919-07-06 Attached to 1st Infantry Regiment
1920-04-24 Deatched to Arditi Department, Roma Corps
1920-06-10 Attached to Depot Troops, 2nd Bersaglieri Regiment
1920-06-10 1920-08-01 Attached to 1st Assault Regiment
1920-08-01 1927-05-01 Attached to 2nd Bersaglieri Regiment
1920-10-10 1922-02-19 Deputy Member of the Commission for Examining
1921-07-13 1923-04-15 Deputy Member of the Military Tribunal, Roma
1923-04-15 1927-05-01 Aide-de-Camp to the King
1927-05-01 Honorary Aide-de-Camp to the King
1927-05-01 1927-11-27 Attached to 0th Bersaglieri Regiment
1927-11-27 1935-09-16 Commanding Officer 9th Bersaglieri Regiment
1935-09-16 1935-10-20 Attached to the Ministry of War
1935-10-20 1936-01-01 Acting Commanding Officer 3rd Celere Brigade "Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta"
1935-XX-XX 1936-03-22 Deputy General Officer Commanding 1st Armoured Division [East Africa]
1936-01-01 1936-11-01 Commanding Officer 3rd Celere Brigade "Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta"
1936-11-01 1938-04-01 Assistant Inspector of Celere Troops
1938-04-01 1938-07-31 Acting General Officer Commanding 3rd Celere Division "Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta"
1938-07-31 1940-05-16 General Officer Commanding 3rd Celere Division "Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta" [Albania]
1939-04-04 1939-05-15 General Officer Commanding Column "Durazzo" [Albania]
1939-04-04 1939-05-15 Deputy General Officer Commanding Expeditionary Force to Albania
1940-05-16 1940-11-15 General Officer Commanding Celere Corps [Greece]
1940-11-15 1941-07-14 General Officer Commanding Special Corps
1941-07-14 1942-07-09 General Officer Commanding Corpo Italiano di Spedizione in RĂ¹ssia
1942-07-09 1942-11-01 General Officer Commanding XXXV Corps [Russia]
1942-11-01 1943-02-05 Attached to the Ministry of War
1943-02-05 1943-05-13 General Officer Commanding 1st Army [North Africa]
1943-05-13 Prisoner of War
1943-11-18 1945-05-01 Chief of the Army General Staff
1947-03-27 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Valdis Kursietis