The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kichinosuke Miki

Miki, Kichinosuke


* 29th of November 1892

† 26th of February 1944


(みき きちのすけ)


1939-08-01 Colonel
1944-02-26 Major-General (Posthumously)


1939-05-31 1940-10-15 Commanding Officer 21st Infantry Regiment
1940-10-15 1941-01-08 Attached to 5th Depot Division
1941-01-08 1941-04-21 Suspended
1941-04-21 1941-08-01 Attached to 5th Depot Division
1941-08-01 1941-10-15 Chief of Instruction Section, Tokyo Army Aviation School
1941-10-15 1943-04-15 Commandant of Tokyo Army Aviation School
1943-04-15 1944-02-26 Commandant of Otsu Army Youth Airmen School
1944-02-26 Died