The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Leonid Fedorovich Miniuk

Miniuk, Leonid Fedorovich


* 13th of November 1900

† 13th of July 1977

(Леонид Федорович Минюк)


1940-03-21 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General
1943-11-17 Lieutenant-General


1940-XX-XX Assistant Chief of Operations Section, Northwestern Front
1941-XX-XX Chief of Operations Section, Western Theatre
1941-XX-XX Wounded
1941-10-30 1942-08-28 At disposal of the Personnel Directorate
1942-08-27 Adjutant to Marshal Timoshenko
1943-07-XX Wounded
1944-02-XX Adjutant to Marshal Zhukov
1944-04-30 1944-10-10 Chief of Staff, 1st Shock Army
1944-06-02 1945-08-25 Chief of Staff, Transcaucasian Front
1945-08-25 1946-05-XX Chief of Staff, Transcaucasian Military District
1946-05-XX 1947-12-31 Instructor at Military Academy of the General Staff
1947-12-31 1951-11-01 Arrested
1951-11-01 Condemned to 10 years imprisonment
1953-07-28 Released and rehabilitated
1954-XX-XX 1958-08-15 Senior Instructor the Military Academy of the General Staff
1958-08-15 Retired