The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Grigorii Kuzmich Miroshnichenko

Miroshnichenko, Grigorii Kuzmich


* 16th of March 1895

† 29th of August 1959

(Григорий Кузьмич Мирошниченко)


1945-04-20 Major-General


1940-07-29 1941-08-03 Commanding Officer 527th Rifle Regiment
1941-08-03 1941-11-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1941-11-XX 1942-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 71st Separate Naval Rifle Brigade
1942-01-XX 1942-09-XX Commanding Officer 41st Separate Rifle Brigade
1942-09-25 1943-08-18 Commanding Officer 260th Rifle Division
1943-08-18 1944-03-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1944-03-XX 1944-05-16 Commanding Officer 16th Reserve Rifle BRigade
1944-05-16 1946-02-XX Commanding Officer 16th Reserve Rifle Division
1946-02-XX 1946-07-XX Commanding Officer 87th Guards Rifle Division
1946-07-XX 1951-02-XX Commandant of Kazansk Suvorov Military School
1951-05-XX 1955-08-XX Head of Military Department, Ulyanovsk Agricultural Institute
1955-08-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko